How Was This Approved?” 15 of the Most Absurd Signs

Signs are an essential part of our daily lives, guiding us on where to turn, park, or walk. However, not all signs are straightforward. Some are confusing, some are unintentionally hilarious, and others are just outright bizarre.

Here’s a collection of some of the most amusing and head-scratching signs that will leave you wondering how they ever got approved in the first place.

Mosquito Attack

Alaska is known for its stunning landscapes, but it also has some of the most intense mosquitoes in the world. To warn visitors, someone put up a rather dramatic sign—depicting a giant mosquito carrying away a person.

While it may be an exaggeration, it certainly gets the message across: beware of the mosquitoes. Whether it’s meant to be humorous or a real warning, one thing is for sure—you’ll want to pack plenty of bug spray!

The Lost Cat

Losing a pet is always heartbreaking, and owners go to great lengths to put up detailed and clear “Lost Pet” posters.

However, this particular flyer misses an important detail—the cat’s description. Without an actual image or identifying features, it leaves the imagination wide open. It could be a fluffy Persian, a sleek tabby, or even a cat who enjoys fishing for food on the street. Either way, we hope the owner managed to find their missing feline.

A Fair Warning

Ever seen those horror movie scenes where a traveler ignores the eerie warning sign, only to regret it later? Well, this small town has taken that trope to heart.

The sign doesn’t specify what exactly will happen if the warning is ignored, but the message is clear—don’t do it. Whether it’s meant to keep out tourists or simply add a little mystery to the town, it’s certainly an effective way to make people think twice!

The Exact Speed Limit

Speed limit signs are usually whole numbers—20, 30, or 50 mph. However, this particular sign demands an exact speed of 9½ mph.

Not 9. Not 10. Precisely 9½.

Perhaps the town has a good reason for such an oddly specific speed, but if they really wanted to be quirky, they could have gone with 9¾ mph for all the Harry Potter fans out there.

Fish for Hire

Sign placement matters, and this restaurant sign is a perfect example of why.

At first glance, it appears that the restaurant is looking to hire fish sandwiches rather than serve them. The real message eventually becomes clear, but not before giving people a good laugh at the idea of interviewing fish for a job.

Preparing for a Storm

When a snowstorm hit a town in Great Britain, people rushed to the markets to stock up on food.

In response, a grocer put up a friendly but firm sign explaining how much of each item customers could buy. While some shoppers might have found it frustrating, it ensured that everyone got a fair share of supplies rather than one person hoarding all the essentials.

Just a Word

Some signs need only one word to get the message across, and this one proves it.

A simple sign with the word “No” is positioned to answer any possible question before it’s even asked. Can you park here? No. Can you go inside? No. Is this a valid place for entry? No.

It’s a clear, concise, and slightly humorous way to shut down any inquiries.

A Speed Hump

Speed bumps are a common sight on roads, but speed humps are a bit different. They are lower and designed to slow down traffic without causing sudden jolts.

This zoo in California decided to illustrate the concept in a fun way, with an image of a car moving over a small hump. Amusingly, since the zoo is home to animals like camels and llamas, the sign works on two levels—speed humps for vehicles and actual humps on animals!

Broken Bathrooms

Public restrooms often suffer from poor maintenance due to careless users, and one establishment had finally had enough.

Instead of simply marking the restrooms as “Out of Order”, they took the opportunity to point fingers at the real culprits—badly behaved customers. While it might not fix the problem, at least it calls out those responsible in a humorous way.

A Haircut for Your Eyes

A salon advertising haircuts, styling, and makeup services seems normal—until you notice that one of their services includes eyelash trimming.

Unless you’re aiming for a very unusual look, trimming eyelashes isn’t exactly a sought-after service. Either this is a typo, or this salon offers something truly one-of-a-kind!

Driving on Water

Bridges are meant to connect roads over water, and drivers are expected to be extra cautious when crossing them.

However, this particular sign creates an unexpected illusion—the car symbol seems to be pointing directly into the river rather than onto the bridge. While it’s probably just a design oversight, it makes for an amusing and slightly alarming sight!

Ancient Roadways

Ever wondered what would happen if dinosaurs returned to modern civilization? Well, someone decided to prepare for that scenario by putting up a dinosaur crossing sign.

While it’s clearly meant as a joke, it’s fun to imagine a world where dinosaurs obey road rules just like cars and pedestrians!

Riding a Rainbow

Some signs are accidentally more creative than intended, and this one is a great example.

Designed to show a cyclist going over a speed bump, the curved shape of the sign makes it look like the cyclist is riding over a rainbow. Whether intentional or not, it adds a fun, whimsical touch to an otherwise ordinary sign.

A Heely Problem

High heels and certain surfaces don’t mix, and someone decided to save people the trouble by putting up a helpful warning.

This sign warns women against wearing heels in areas where they could easily get stuck or break, a message that many would probably appreciate. If only more places had similar disclaimers, countless shoes could be saved from destruction!

Dog Library

Book lovers are familiar with the concept of “Take a book, leave a book” street libraries, where people can share books freely.

A clever pet owner decided to apply the same principle to dogs by setting up a “Dog Library”—a collection of sticks for dogs to borrow and return.

While the chances of dogs following the rule are slim, it’s a fun and charming idea that dog owners might just help maintain!

Signs are meant to inform and guide us, but sometimes, they end up being unintentionally funny, confusing, or completely unexpected.

From peculiar speed limits to mosquito warnings that look like horror movie posters, these signs prove that even the simplest messages can turn into unforgettable moments of humor.

Which one made you laugh the most? Let us know.


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