Husband Demands Divorce In Letter, Wife’s Brilliant Reply Makes Him Regret Every Word

Carol got the letter after her husband Steven was away without an explanation for about a week. She could not believe it at first. Divorce?

She hadn’t seen this coming at all. Steven had not even given a good reason in his letter, but in the following week, she was able to find this out for herself.

And she was planning on using this against him to make Steven regret everything… 

Getting the divorce

Carol was still dead nervous when she walked into the divorce court that morning.

It had been all she could think about when she received Steven’s letter a week ago. But luckily she was prepared now and was not going to let him get away with this…

Carol’s reply

Steven probably thought that Carol had no idea why he wanted to divorce her and he liked it this way.

He felt like it gave him the advantage in pushing this thing through. But then Carol took the stand and directed her words right at a very surprised Steven…

A deep regret

His face went red as could be and he was not even able to stutter a good response.

All he could feel was regret for his actions. And now he was going to have to pay for it… But why did Steven want a divorce from Carol? Why did he want to keep the reason a secret and what was Carol’s brilliant reply to Steven?

Leaving without explanation

Steven had left his wife, Carol, with many questions unanswered, when he went away one week ago.

Carol got surprised when he announced that one evening he had to leave all of the sudden, also adding that he would not be back for a while. What does that mean, ‘a while’? It had been a week now and Carol had no idea where her husband was.

Calls unanswered

First Carol tried to stop him, but Steven seemed determined and was gone within minutes.

For a short amount of time she admitted for herself that it had to be for a good reason, but a few days passed and she’d got worried sick. Carol tried many times to reach his phone, but without any luck. None of his friends could give her any clue either…

Not a perfect relationship

It took Carol some more days to be able to reflect on their marriage.

Admittedly, their relation had recently been anything but perfect, but still she had always felt like they could work through everything together if they would just try a little harder. It’d always gone well, hasn’t it?

Not enough communication

Carol and Steven were both on the introvert side of the spectrum and therefore not the types that fight a lot.

The problem they’d been having was actually more the lack of fighting, or the lack of communication in general.For some reason, over the last few months, the couple had been started to talk less and less to each other.

Mostly Steven was lacking

As far as Carol knew, it was not her that was making no effort anymore

Steven was lacking the attention he clearly had so much for her before, while Carol still felt as if she was trying her very best.

But who knows? Maybe he felt this the other way around. In any case, it was not difficult to pinpoint where this had started.

A 2-week vacation

Carol had gone with a group of her best friends on a two week vacation a couple of months ago.

It was very difficult to find two weeks straight in which all the girls were available, so Carol had started planning this trip far ahead.

At the last minute, though, one friend had to cancel. Still, Steven had been quite supportive of her going on this trip.

Would he hate me?

They would always spend there vacant weeks together, especially when a trip to somewhere new was planned.

Carol feared that by heading off with her friends like that, Steven would hate her for going. And when the two weeks of vacation had passed, she thought that so may have been right in this assessment…

A different person

Carol returned and instantly she felt like the Steven she knew was gone and her boyfriend was not the same anymore.

He was so much more distant now, Carol thought, and he would often just stay away at unknown places without her having any idea of where he went. And when she’d tried to talk with him about this, it was without success.

Receiving a letter

Months went by and the changed behavior continued, building up to the point where he was now away for a week already.

He’d never been gone for this long and Carol was seriously having doubts about whether she would ever see her boyfriend returning. At least, until she got a letter in the mail the next day…

A local government letter

From the looks of the envelope, Carol had no idea that this letter was in any way related to Steven.

It did not come from him directly, rather it was what appeared to be a message from the local government. When opening it, she expected that the paper was possibly related to outstanding bills or something in this regard.

Summoned to court

When she sat down in the living room to open it and read the first couple of sentences, she felt her whole world collapse in upon itself.

Carol was personally summoned to court to finalize her divorce from Steven! Her first reaction was that she might have misread it, but reading it a second and a third time made her realize that it was actually there.

The letter was official

Carol could not believe it at first. She got another government letter from the drawer next to her and concluded that everything looked the same and as official as possible.

There she sat for a while, eventually realizing that it was best to call Steven immediately. Of course, he again did not answer. Luckily the number of his lawyer was listed in the letter as well.


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